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American Vampire

Dec 26, 2018

A special holiday season piece of ghost-adjacent content! As Wuthering Heights is referenced repeatedly in Eclipse, Sid and Briana read and reread (respectively) the 1847 novel by Emily Brontë.

Topics include how everyone in this book probably has tuberculosis, Heathcliff's ethnic ambiguity and......

Nov 19, 2018

We are finally back! After some international and ontological adventures, Briana and Sid return to American Vampire to discuss the final chapters of New Moon (23 to Epilogue).

Topics include Edward's constant gaslighting and presumably hilarious old-timey Chicago accent, Bella's concerns about aging and marriage,...

Jun 25, 2018

After a brief hiatus, American Vampire has returned from its hellish slumber to cover Chapters 19 to 22 of New Moon.

Topics include how you really don't get any whiter than Vampire Cops at the Vampire Vatican, some truly mind-boggling interior design and fashion choices, and how we feel personally gaslit by this...

Apr 5, 2018

In this episode Briana and Sid discuss the (gibbous?) third quarter of New Moon, from Chapter 13 through the end of Chapter 18.

Topics include Bella's super casual and not at all morbid and disturbing passion for cliff-diving, the disappointing return of one of our favorite secondary characters, and how we just...

Mar 8, 2018

In this episode Briana and Sid discuss the Jacob-oriented second quarter of New Moon, from Chapter 7 through the end of Chapter 12.

Topics include how this entire werewolf plot line is low-key very racist in both its mundane and supernatural aspects, a general moratorium on the word "russet" except for describing...